Experience drives Future

LiquidityHub was developed in 2019 by an experienced team of experts from different industries and with different expertise to bundle a maximum of know-how for Trade Finance available on LiquidityHub as Cloud Platform. The founders' expertise spans financial services and IT technologies such as Cloud Platforms. 

leuchtende Straße
Pursuit of a

Based on our experience, we aim to revolutionize the way complex trade finance processes are designed and operated in the future.

Ritterstraße Büro
Opening of the second Location 

In 2020, a second location was opened in Bielefeld's old town in the midst of the East Westphalian start-up scene. 

beleuchtete Stadt mit Straßen Kreuz
Development of LiquidityHub

The Trade Finance platform was developed in a very short time with the latest cloud technologies and reliable backends from SAP in the SAP Co-Innovation Program.

Made for the Future 

Our innovative technologies set the company's direction and represent the future of state-of-the-art banking and financial services.

Geld mit Knospen